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  industrial 16mm di ameter carbon co mposi tion rot ary pot enti ometer ser ies 270 electrical a nd mechanical spec ifi cations resi stance ra nge 500 ohms through 2 me gohms, linear resi stance tolerance power rating angle of rotation total r ota tion (p otentiometer and sw it ch) without switch: 300 with sw it ch: 315 effective electrical angle (p otentiometer) without switch: 300 with sw it ch: 290 1 - 9 ? 2015 cts corporation. all rights reserved. in formation subject to change. 0 3/ 2 7/1 5 cts electroc om ponents www .c ts c or ? electrocomponents d a t a s h e e t rotary pote ntiome ter 30%, 20%, 10% 5k ohms th rou gh 200k ohms, audio diel ectric strengt h 750 vac for 1 mi nut e maximum operating voltage 500 vdc insulation r esi sta nce 1 00 me gohms minimum @ 250 vdc rota tio nal torque 36 -3 6 0 g f-c m stop st reng th 5 .7 6 kg f-c m mi nimum push- pull st reng th of s haft 1 0 k g f or 1 0 s ec on ds rota tio nal li fe 10k cyc les opera tin g t emp era tur e -1 0 c to +70 c solder h eat resis tan c e 260 c f or 5 se c on ds features - bushing - tw ist or bend tab - snap- in pc b ra cket - pc terminal mount ing in for mat ion - b ush ing - tw ist tab - b en d tab - s na p- in pc b ra ck et - pc t erm ina l 1/4 watts @ 55c (r esis tan c e u p to 1 00 k oh ms ) 1/5 watts @ 55c (r esis tan c e a bov e 1 00 k ohms)
electrical a nd mechanical spec ifi cations shaft a nd bu shing i nfor mati on metal shaft and bushing single tfahs eno htiw retemoitnetop noitces laud ro molded shaft and bushing single section pot ent iometer w ith one shaft shaft di ame ter inch mm inch mm .125 3.2 0 1/4" ? 32unef-2a m7 x . 75p 2 - 9 ? 2015 cts corporation. all rights reserved. info rmation subject to change. 03/27/1 5 cts el ec tr oc ompone nts www .ct sco rp. com bus hing diam ete r outer sh aft diameter inch mm inch mm .236 6.00 .156 4.0 .250 6.35 .125 3..2 inner shaft di ameter inc h mm bush ing diam eter 3/8 " ? 32u nef- 2a m9 x.7 5p conc entric tandem potentiometer with two shafts 3/8 " ? 32u nef- 2a m8 x.7 5p shaft with twi st tab, ben d tab, snap-in p c b rac ket, or pc te rmi nal a ll m etal or molded sh aft diame ters can be used excep t .187? (4 .7 mm ), whi ch can b e us ed with sn a p- in pc b rac k et o nl y. .187 4.7 0 3/8" ? 32unef-2a m7 x . 75p .236 6.0 0 3/8" ? 32unef-2a m8 x . 75p .250 6.3 5 3/8" ? 32unef-2a m9 x . 75p shaft di ame ter inch mm inch mm .156 4.0 0 1/4" ? 32unef-2a m7 x . 75p bus hing diam ete r .187 4.7 0 3/8" ? 32unef-2a m7 x . 75p .236 6.0 0 3/8" ? 32unef-2a m 8 x . 75p .250 6.3 5 3/8" ? 32unef-2a m 9 x . 75p .156 4.0 0 1/4" ? 32unef-2a m7 x . 75p terminal in formatio n t: solder lug perpendicular to shaft. or, solder lug formed 60 to the rear . u: pc terminals formed 90 forward toward mounting sur face. t erm ina ls extend .187 " ( 4.7m m) bey ond mou ntin g s urfa ce. v: pc ter mina ls formed 90 to t he rear, away from panel mounti ng. termin als extend .442" ( 11.2m m) from mounti ng s urface. standard: t: solder lug formed 90 to t he rear on sing le and mu lti -se cti on / x: pc terminals standard .438" (11.1mm) from cente r li ne of cont rol t o pc board , s tra igh t t erm inals ext end .156" (4.0mm) in to pc boar d. special: w: wire w rap terminals ? .156" (4.0mm) terminal extensi on be yon d base, for med 60 to the rear .
electrical a nd mechanical spec ifi cations electrical series type ra ting 5a @ 20 vdc 3a @ 12 5 vac dimensi on: mm inch dimensi on: mm inch electrical series type ra ting push on-pull off de mi momentary contact 3a @ 20 vdc push on switch actuating torque - 2 to 10 in. oz. (144 to 720gf-cm) 9.1 .358 0.4 .016 3.2 .126 15.9 .626 7.21=x 5 . 51= y 0 05 . 016. 3.6 .142 4.37 4.37 .172 .172 ?1.4 0 min . (2)hl's .055 15.3 .602 0.8 0.4 4.37 4.37 4.50 4.50 .031 .016 .172 .172 .177 .177 ?1.4 0 min . (2)ho les .055 0.2 .008 0.4 .016 2 5 6 . 6 . 61 .205 5.2 .150 3.8 9.0 .354 t= ? 2.41 .095 holes(2) 1 1.1 5 .439 057 rot ary de mi 3a @ 20 vdc 3 - 9 ? 2015 cts corporation. all rights reserved. inf ormation subject to change. 03/27/1 5 cts electrocompone nts www .ct sco rp. com optional p owe r switches (all spst) (ul recognized)
dimensi on: mm inch 4 - 9 ? 2015 cts corporation. all rights reserved. info rmation subject to change. 03/27/1 5 cts electrocomponents www .ct sco rp. com moun tin g s ur f ace re f. ?1.4 min. ?15.9 (3) hol es 1 2 3 7.950.05 cle aranc e fo r b ushi ng. cle aranc e fo r 2 .4 x 1.0 (.0 94 x .03 9) loca tin g l ug. (2 )ho les. .31 3.002 .31 3.002 7.950.05 wiper 1 3 2 cloc kwi se cir cui t ccw cw reco mm ende d p cb l a you t 9.53 .37 5 .62 6 l0.8 .03 1 3/8-32unef-2a mount ing surface 2.39 .09 4 7.95 .31 3 7.95 .31 3 11.13 15.09 .43 8 .59 4 .17 2.002 4.370.05 .17 2.002 4.370.05 .16 2 4.09 .05 5 270x metal shaft , bushi ng mount , printed circ uit ?x ? t ype te rmi nals mount ing surface 3 2 1 9.2 0. 4 ?15.9 .62 6 9.53 .37 5 l0.8 .03 1 3/8-32unef-2a .36 2 .16 2.39 .09 4 7.95 .31 3 15. 9 .626 15. 9 .626 7.95 .31 3 11.13 .43 8 11 .30 .445 wiper 1 3 2 clo ckw ise circuit cc w cw 8.000.05 .31 5.002 .31 5.002 8.000.05 cle aranc e fo r b ushi ng reco mm ende d p cb l a you t ?1.4 min. (3) ho les .17 2.002 4.370.05 .17 2.002 4.370.05 .05 5 270u metal shaft , bushi ng mount , printed cir cui t ? u? typ e t erm inals moun tin g h ole detai l .01 6 0.4 "a" .01 6 0.4 "a" dimensi on: mm inch cle aranc e fo r 2 .4 x 1.0 (. 094 x .0 39) moun tin g lu g. (2) hol es. .445 .0 02 11.300.05
mou nting sur f ace re f. ?1. 4 m in. ?15.9 mou nting hole de t ail (3) h oles 1 2 3 "a" 7.950.05 clearance for bu shi ng. clearance for 2. 4 x 1.0(.094 x .03 9) loc a ting l ug. (2)hole s. .313 .0 02 .313 .0 02 7.950.05 wip er 1 3 2 clock wise circuit cc w cw recom men ded pcb l a you t 9.53 .375 .626 .016 0.4 l0 .8 .031 3/8-32unef-2a mounting su rface 2.39 .094 7.95 .313 7.95 .313 17.0 0 .669 .162 4.09 .055 275x metal shaft, bus hing mount, pri nted c irc uit ?x? type ter min als 15.9 .626 12.5 4.5 .177 .492 .197 .0 02 5.000.05 .197 .0 02 5.000.05 5 - 9 ? 2015 cts corporation. all rights reserved. info rmation subject to change. 03/27/ 15 cts ele ctromo np onents www.cts corp .com 1 2 3 ce nte r lines of control ?15.9 .626 9.53 .375 l0 .8 .031 mounting surf ace 3/8-32unef-2a 1 1.2 0.4 .441 . 16 2.39 .094 7.95 .313 7.95 .313 12.29 .484 15.9 .626 wip er 1 3 2 clock wise circuit cc w cw ?1. 4 m in. (3) h oles .172 .0 02 4.370.05 .484 12.2 9 .055 .172 .0 02 4.370.05 7.950.05 clearance for bus hing. clearance for 2. 4 x 1.0(.094 x .03 9) loc a ting l ug. (2)hole s. .313 .0 02 .313 .0 02 7.950.05 270v metal shaft, bus hing mount, printed cir cui t ? v? type ter min als dime nsi on: mm inch recom men ded pcb l a you t mou nting hole deta il .016 0.4 "a" dimensi on: mm inch
7.950.05 cle aran ce for bushing. cle aran ce for 2 .4 x 1 .0(.094 x .039) loc ating lug. (2) hol es. 7.95 15.9 2.39 11.13 13.1 max. 9.53 ?15.9 "a"0.4 l0.8 mtg. surface 7.95 .375 .03 1 .016 .626 .31 3 .43 8 .516 .626 .094 .313 .313 .0 02 .313 .0 02 7.950.05 270t metal shaft, bus hing mount, solder lu g ? t? typ e t erm inals dimensio n: mm in ch wip er 1 3 2 clock wise circuit ccw cw 1 2 3 mounting hole detail 3/8-32unef-2a 6 - 9 ? 2015 cts corporation. all rights reserved. info rmation subject to change. 03/27/ 15 cts ele ctromo npo nents www.cts corp .c om dimensio n: mm in ch 270t-2 dua l section , meta l sha ft , bush in g mount , sol de r lu g ?t ? typ e te rm inal s .313 clearance for clearance for 2. 39/. 094 x 1.0/.04 0 loc a ting l ug. (2)hole s. 7.95 bush ing mtg. surf ace 18.6 4 1 1.13 7.95 7.95 .734 l 0.8 .031 .016 0.40 a .313 7.95 .313 .313 .438 2.39 .094 7.95 .313 13.1 .516 15.9.626 max. 3 2 1 wip er 1 3 2 clock wise circuit ccw cw mou nting hole de t ail 3/8-32unef-2a
dim ensi on: mm in ch 270x-057x metal shaft, bushing m oun t, printed cir cuit ?x? type terminals, rotary 057 switch .313 cle aran ce for cle aran ce for 2.39 /.0 94 x 1.0 /.0 40 loc a tin g l ug. (2)h ole s. 7.95 bushing mtg. surface 9.53 1 1.13 7.95 7.95 ?1. 4 mi n 5 hl' s. mtg . su rface .375 3.81 .150 16.6 .652 l 0.80 .031 .016 0.40 a .313 7.95 .313 .313 .438 2.39 .094 7.95 .313 5.72 .225 .161 4.09 4.37 .172 4.37.172 4.50 .177 15.09 .594 1 1.15 .439 3 2 1 wiper 1 3 2 clockw ise circuit cc w cw 7 - 9 ? 2015 cts corporation. all rights reserved. infor mation subject to change. 03/27/15 cts el ectrocomponen ts www.ctsc orp. com r p "demi" sw itch cw cc w circuit clockw ise s2 s1 1 3 2 wiper s2 3 2 1 s1 ?15.9 mou nti ng hol e detail 7.95 0. 05 cle aran ce for bushing. cle aran ce for 2.4 x 1 .0(.09 4 x .0 39) loc a tin g l ug. (2)h ole s. .313 .0 02 .313 .0 02 7.95 0. 05 18.7 .736 .626 l0 .8 .031 3/8-32unef -2a mounting surface 7.9 5 .313 1 1.1 3 .438 15.9 .626 dim ensi on: mm in ch 270t-demit metal shaft, bushing m oun t, solder lug ?t? type terminals, demi switch .016 0.4 "a" mou nti ng hol e de tail 3/8-32un ef- 2a
8 - 9 ? 2015 cts corporation. all rights reserved. informatio n subject to change. 03/27/1 5 cts electrocomponents www .ct sco rp. com y type a .12 5? (3. 18 mm) .15 6? (3. 96 mm) r type dia met er b .12 5? (3. 18 mm) .15 6? (3. 96 mm) f x y .25 0? (6. 35 mm) .25 0? (6. 35 mm) type dia met er c .12 5? (3. 18 mm) .15 6? (3. 96 mm) s x .04 7? (1. 19 mm) y .03 9? (1. 00 mm) .03 9? (1. 00 mm) x y dia. dia met er g .18 7? (4. 75 mm) .23 6? (6. 00 mm) x .25 0? (6. 35 mm) p dia . h .18 7? (4. 75 mm) .23 6? (6. 00 mm) l .4 72? (12 .0m m) .25 0? (6. 35 mm) d .25 0? (6. 35 mm) .18 7? (4. 75 mm) v* .37 5? (9. 52 mm) .31 3? (7. 95 mm) .23 6? (6. 00 mm) w** .47 2? (12 .0 m m) z y x type dia met er .23 6? (6. 00 mm) n x .34 2? (8. 70 mm) y .03 9? (1. 00 mm) z 18 tee th x .10 9? (2. 77 mm) .10 9? (2. 77 mm) .15 6? (3. 96 mm) .15 6? (3. 96 mm) .15 6? (3. 96 mm) .17 7? (4. 50 mm) .17 7? (4. 50 mm) .18 7? (4. 75 mm) j .03 9? (1. 00 mm) .23 6? (6. 00 mm) m .03 9? (1. 00 mm) .25 0? (6. 35 mm) e .03 9? (1. 00 mm) .23 6? (6. 00 mm) t .27 9? (7. 10 mm) .06 2? (1. 57 mm) 24 tee th shaft dia met er an d t rim .04 7? (1. 19 mm) .04 7? (1. 19 mm) .04 7? (1. 19 mm) .04 7? (1. 19 mm) knurl ed & s lotted slotted fl atted r ou nd *molded sha ft , f m s .8 75? (2 2.2 mm), no t a vai labl e w ith s witc h **molded sh aft , f m s .9 84? (2 5.0 mm), with rota ry switc h on ly *molded sha ft , f m s .5 00 ? (1 2.7 mm), no t a vai labl e w ith s witc h (meta l s haft) type dia met er .23 6? (6. 00 mm) k** x .20 0? (5. 08 mm) y .04 6? (1. 17 mm) z 18 tee th .18 7? (4. 75 mm) u* .06 2? (1. 57 mm) .04 6? (1. 17 mm) 18 tee th **molded sha ft , f m s .5 00 ? ( 12. 7 m m), with r otar y sw itc h on ly z y x knurl ed & s lotted (molded shaft)
shaft le ngth ?l? metal shafts examples 20 ? .625" 24 ? .750 " 28 ? .875" 32 ? 1.000" terminal style t ? solder lug x ? pc u ? formed to fro nt v ? formed to rear * for 275 ordering information 270/275 t 2 20 r 103 b 1 a 1 resist tol a ? 10% b ? 20% c ? 30% switch type a ? none b ? spst rotary shaft diameter and trim a ? .125" dia. round b ? .125" dia. flatted c ? .125" dia. slotted r ? .156" dia. round f ? .156" dia. flatted s ? .156" dia. slotted g ? .187 " dia. round h ? .187 " dia. flatted j ? .187 " dia. slotted x ? .236" dia. round l ? .236" dia. flatted m ? .236" dia. slotted n ? .236" dia. slotted & knurled p ? .250 " dia. round d ? .250 " dia. flatted e ? .250 " dia. slotted t ? .236" dia. slotted & knurled taper 1 ? linear 2 ? 10% aud 3 ? 10% ccw aud specials 1 ? le ft lo cating lug 2 ? 50% detent with le ft lo cating lug 4 ? right lo cating lug 5 ? no lo cating lug resistance code examples code resistance 501 5 00 ohms 1 02 1k 252 2.5 k 5 02 5k 103 10k 253 25 k 503 50k 104 1 00 k * * c ? demi momentary d ? demi push-pull 9 - 9 ? 2015 cts corporation. all rights reserved. info rmation subject to change. 03/27/15 cts e lec t ro co mp o ne nts www . cts c or 3 ? 50% detent with right lo cating lug mounti ng style ?a? brass bushing mount length examples 2 ? .250 " 3 ? .375" 8 ? 1.000 " 1 ? twist tab 3/8 " ? 32unef-2a le ngth increment: 1/8? twist tab mount brack et mount 0 ? bracket metal shaft consult cts for custom or not listed features including shaft, bushing, longer li fe cy cles , so lde r able co ve r, ant i-s tatic desi gn, etc . molded sh aft molded shaft note : 16 ? .500 " (shaft trim ?u? & ?k? o nl y) le ngth increment: 1/32? 16 ? .500 " *u ? .187 " dia. slott ed & knurled (.5 00 ? shaft length o nl y) *v ? .187 " dia. flatted (.875? sha ft len gth o nl y) **w ? .236" dia. flatted 32 ? .984 " (shaft trim ?w? o nl y) 28 ? .875" (shaft trim ?v? o nl y) (.984? sha ft len gth o nl y) * mo lded shaft not avai lable with swtich ** mo lde d shaft with ro tary swi tch o nl y **k ? .236" dia. slott ed & knurled (.5 00 ? shaft length o nl y)

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