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  ar c hive inf o rmati o n archive information 1 mrf20060r mrf20060rs motorola rf device data the rf subCmicron bipolar line the mrf20060r and mrf20060rs are designed for class ab broadband commercial and industrial applications at frequencies from 1800 to 2000 mhz. the high gain, excellent linearity and broadband performance of these devices make them ideal for largeCsignal, common emitter class ab amplifier applica- tions. these devices are suitable for frequency modulated, amplitude modulated and multiCcarrier base station rf power amplifiers. ? guaranteed twoCtone performance at 2000 mhz, 26 volts output power 60 watts (pep) power gain 9 db efficiency 33% intermodulation distortion C30 dbc ? characterized with series equivalent largeCsignal impedance parameters ? sCparameter characterization at high bias levels ? excellent thermal stability ? capable of handling 3:1 vswr @ 26 vdc, 2000 mhz, 60 watts (pep) output power ? designed for fm, tdma, cdma and multiCcarrier applications ? test fixtures available at: note: not suitable for class a operation. maximum ratings rating symbol value unit collectorCemitter voltage (i b = 0 ma) v ceo 25 vdc collectorCemitter voltage v ces 60 vdc collectorCbase voltage v cbo 60 vdc collectorCemitter voltage (r be = 100 ohm) v cer 30 vdc baseCemitter voltage v eb C3 vdc collector current C continuous i c 8 adc total device dissipation @ t c = 25 c derate above 25 c p d 250 1.43 watts w/ c storage temperature range t stg C 65 to +150 c operating junction temperature t j 200 c thermal characteristics rating symbol max unit thermal resistance, junction to case r jc 0.7 c/w order this document by mrf20060r/d semiconductor technical data 60 w, 2000 mhz rf power broadband npn bipolar case 451C06, style 1 (mrf20060r) case 451aC03, style 1 (mrf20060rs) ? motorola, inc. 2000 rev 3
ar c hive inf o rmati o n archive information mrf20060r mrf20060rs 2 motorola rf device data electrical characteristics (t c = 25 c unless otherwise noted) characteristic symbol min typ max unit off characteristics collectorCemitter breakdown voltage (i c = 50 madc, i b = 0) v (br)ceo 25 28 vdc collectorCemitter breakdown voltage (i c = 50 madc, v be = 0) v (br)ces 60 69 vdc collectorCbase breakdown voltage (i c = 50 madc, i e = 0) v (br)cbo 60 69 vdc reverse baseCemitter breakdown voltage (i b = 10 madc, i c = 0) v (br)ebo 3 3.5 vdc zero base voltage collector leakage current (v ce = 30 vdc, v be = 0) i ces 10 madc on characteristics dc current gain (v ce = 5 vdc, i c = 1 adc) h fe 20 40 80 dynamic characteristics output capacitance (v cb = 26 vdc, i e = 0, f = 1.0 mhz) (1) c ob 55 pf functional tests (in motorola test fixture) commonCemitter amplifier power gain (v cc = 26 vdc, p out = 60 watts (pep), i cq = 200 ma, f 1 = 2000.0 mhz, f 2 = 2000.1 mhz) g pe 9 9.8 db collector efficiency (v cc = 26 vdc, p out = 60 watts (pep), i cq = 200 ma, f 1 = 2000.0 mhz, f 2 = 2000.1 mhz) 33 35 % intermodulation distortion (v cc = 26 vdc, p out = 60 watts (pep), i cq = 200 ma, f 1 = 2000.0 mhz, f 2 = 2000.1 mhz) imd C32 C30 db input return loss (v cc = 26 vdc, p out = 60 watts (pep), i cq = 200 ma, f 1 = 2000.0 mhz, f 2 = 2000.1 mhz) irl 12 19 db output mismatch stress (v cc = 26 vdc, p out = 60 watts (pep), i cq = 200 ma, f 1 = 2000.0 mhz, f 2 = 2000.1 mhz, vswr = 3:1, all phase angles at frequency of test) no degradation in output power (1) for information only. this part is collector matched.
ar c hive inf o rmati o n archive information 3 mrf20060r mrf20060rs motorola rf device data figure 1. 1.93 C 2 ghz test fixture electrical schematic b1 ferrite bead, p/n 5659065/3b, ferroxcube c1 100 f, 50 v, electrolytic capacitor, mallory c2, c4, c13 0.6C4.0 pf, variable capacitor, gigatrim, johanson c3, c14 0.1 f, chip capacitor, kemit c5 15 pf, b case chip capacitor, atc c6, c12 1000 pf, b case chip capacitor, atc c7, c9 91 pf, b case chip capacitor, atc c8, c10 24 pf, b case chip capacitor, atc c11 13 pf, b case chip capacitor, atc c15 470 f, 50 v, electrolytic capacitor, mallory d1 diode, motorola (murs160t3) l1, l5 12 turns, 22 awg, 0.140 choke l2, l4 .5 inch of 20 awg l3 12.5 nh inductor r1 2 x 130 ? , 1/8 w chip resistor, rohm r2 2 x 100 ? , 1/8 w chip resistor, rohm r3, r4 10 ? , 1/2 w, resistor q1 transistor, pnp motorola (bd136) q2 transistor, npn motorola (mjd47) board glass teflon ? , arlon gxC0300C55C22, r
ar c hive inf o rmati o n archive information mrf20060r mrf20060rs 4 motorola rf device data typical characteristics figure 2. output power & power gain versus input power figure 3. output power versus frequency figure 4. intermodulation distortion versus output power figure 5. power gain and intermodulation distortion versus supply voltage figure 6. intermodulation distortion versus output power figure 7. power gain versus output power
ar c hive inf o rmati o n archive information 5 mrf20060r mrf20060rs motorola rf device data figure 8. performance in broadband circuit figure 9. mtbf factor versus junction temperature
ar c hive inf o rmati o n archive information mrf20060r mrf20060rs 6 motorola rf device data figure 10. series equivalent input and output impedence f mhz z in (1) ? z ol * ? 1800 1850 1900 1950 1.0 + j4.8 2.0 + j4.7 1.5 + j4.8 2.5 + j4.7 1.7 + j3.3 2.2 + j2.7 2.4 + j3.0 2.3 + j3.2 z in (1) = conjugate of fixture base terminal impedance. z ol * = conjugate of the optimum load impedance at given output power, voltage, bias current and frequency. ? 2000 3.5 + j4.7 2.0 + j3.4
ar c hive inf o rmati o n archive information 7 mrf20060r mrf20060rs motorola rf device data table 1. common emitter sCparameters at v ce = 24 vdc, i c = 3.5 adc f s 11 s 21 s 12 s 22 ghz |s 11 |  |s 21 |  |s 12 |  |s 22 |  1.5 0.986 168 0.32 81 0.031 60 0.923 169 1.55 0.985 167 0.35 76 0.031 63 0.918 169 1.6 0.981 167 0.40 70 0.032 61 0.908 169 1.65 0.973 166 0.45 63 0.030 53 0.897 169 1.7 0.968 165 0.52 56 0.033 50 0.889 168 1.75 0.951 163 0.62 46 0.028 47 0.880 169 1.8 0.914 161 0.76 32 0.027 39 0.871 170 1.85 0.851 161 0.91 12 0.024 26 0.863 171 1.9 0.789 164 1.02 C15 0.015 5 0.888 174 1.95 0.810 170 0.94 C44 0.005 C7 0.931 174 2 0.880 172 0.75 C68 0.006 C151 0.953 172 2.05 0.934 170 0.57 C85 0.010 152 0.967 170 2.1 0.964 168 0.45 C98 0.015 158 0.965 169 2.15 0.977 165 0.36 C109 0.022 164 0.955 168 2.2 0.975 163 0.30 C118 0.033 165 0.950 167 2.25 0.961 161 0.25 C128 0.049 160 0.947 167 2.3 0.942 160 0.22 C139 0.066 149 0.938 166 2.35 0.919 157 0.19 C149 0.077 142 0.931 165 2.4 0.860 156 0.17 C163 0.100 137 0.922 165 2.45 0.821 159 0.15 177 0.128 122 0.914 165 2.5 0.781 161 0.14 157.0 0.156 108 0.907 165
mrf20060r mrf20060rs 8 motorola rf device data notes
9 mrf20060r mrf20060rs motorola rf device data notes
mrf20060r mrf20060rs 10 motorola rf device data notes
11 mrf20060r mrf20060rs motorola rf device data package dimensions case 451C06 issue f case 451aC03 issue b (mrf20060r) (mrf20060rs)       
  q c r k g d n e h CaC CtC CbC  2 pl f    CbC d k h e n  f c   CaC CtC          
mrf20060r mrf20060rs 12 motorola rf device data motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. motorola makes no warranty, represe ntation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does motorola assume any liability arising out of the applicati on or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. typical parameters which may be provided in motorola data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. all operatin g parameters, including t ypicals must be validated for each customer application by customers technical experts. motorola does not convey any license under it s patent rights nor the rights of others. motorola products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical imp lant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the motorola product could create a s ituation where personal injury or death may occur. should buyer purchase or use motorola products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, buyer shall indemnify and hold motorola and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expens es, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized u se, even if such claim alleges that motorola was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. motorola and are registered trademarks of motoro la, inc. motorola, inc. is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. mfax is a trademark of motorola, inc. how to reach us: usa/europe/locations not listed : motorola literature distribution; japan : motorola japan ltd.; sps, technical information center, 3 C20C1, p.o. box 5405, denver, colorado 80217. 1C303C675C2140 or 1C800C441C2447 minamiCaz abu. minatoCku, tokyo 1 06C8573 japan. 81C3C3440C3569 customer focus center: 1C800C521C6274 mfax ? : C to uchtone 1C602C244C6609 asia/pacific : motorola semiconductors h.k. ltd.; silicon harbour centre, motorola fax back system C us & canada only 1C800C774C1848 2, dai king street, tai po industrial estate, tai po, n.t., hong kong. C 852C26668334 home page : mrf20060r/d ?

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