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ip103h dec. 2002 - 1 - www.interpionsemi.com voltage and current controller the ip103h is designed to be used in battery char g ers with a constant voltage and a constant cu r- rent control. this device is a monolithic ic that includes one i n- d e pendent op - amp and other op - amp for which the non inverting input is wired to a 2.5v fixed voltage reference. integrating the reference and op - amps creates a s o- lution for low cost charging applications. operational amplifiers - low supply current : 200ua/amp - medium speed : 1.5mhz - low level output voltage close to v ee : 0.1v t yp. - wide power supply range; 3.6~28v adjustable shunt regulator - fixed output voltage reference 2.5v - sink current capabili ty : 0.5 to 150ma - 1% voltage precision - latch - up immunity d escription f eatures block diagram device package operating temp ip103h 8dip I103H 8sop - 40 o c ~ +105 o c ordering information 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 out1 vin1- vin1+ vee vin2+ vin2- out2 vcc vref op2 op1 8dip 8sop * the main differences of ip103 and ip103h are vicm (input common mode voltage range) and vop (operating voltage)
ip103h dec. 2002 - 2 - www.interpionsemi.com voltage and current controller pin descriptions no symbol i/o description 1 out1 o op - amp 1 output 2 vin1 - i op - amp 1 inverting input 3 vin1+ i op - amp 1 non - inverting input 4 vee - negative supply voltage 5 vin2+ i op - amp 2 non - inverting input 6 vin2 - i op - amp 2 inverting input 7 out2 o op - amp 2 output 8 vcc - positive supply voltage pin connections vin1+ vin1- out1 4 3 2 1 5 vee ip103 6 7 8 vcc vin2+ vin2- out2 ip103h ip103h dec. 2002 - 3 - www.interpionsemi.com voltage and current controller total supply voltage section characteristics symbol conditions min typ max unit total supply current icc 0.8 1.5 ma vee = 0v, no load operational amplifiers input offset voltage vio - 1 4.5 mv input bias current iib - 50 150 na large signal voltage gain avd vcc=15v, vo=5~10v, rload =10k 60 100 - db supply voltage rejection ratio svrr vcc= 5v to 15v 65 100 - db input common mode vol t- age range vicm - 0 - vcc - 1.8v v output source current isource vo=2.5v, vid=+1v 3 6 - ma output sink current isink vo=2.5v, vid= - 1v 3 6 - ma phase margin pm rload=10k,cload=100pf - 55 - degree output voltage high voh vcc=15v, rload=10k 12 13 - v output voltage low vol rload=10k - 100 250 mv slew rate sr vi=10v, vcc=12v, rload=10k,cload=100pf - 0.75 - v/us gain bandwidth gb rload=10k,cload=100pf, f=100khz - 1.5 - mhz total harmonic distortion thd - 0.05 - % common mode rejection ratio cmrr vcc=15v 70 90 - db parameter symbol value uni t supply voltage vccmax 28 v operating temperature topr - 40 ~ +105 o c storage temperature tstg - 65 ~ 150 o c absolute maximum rat ings electrical character istics ta = 25 o c, v cc = 5v, v ee = gnd (unless otherwise specified. ) ip103h dec. 2002 - 4 - www.interpionsemi.com voltage and current controller adjustable shunt regulator characteristics symbol conditions min typ max unit recommended cathode current ik 0.5 100 ma reference input voltage vref 2.475 2.5 2.525 v reference input voltage deviation dvref vka=vref, ik=10ma - 40 o c < ta <105 o c 7 30 mv load regulation rload ik=1ma~10ma 3 10 mv minimum cathode current for regulation imin 0.2 0.5 ma electrical character istics ta = 25 o c, v cc = 5v, v ee =gnd (unless otherwise specified. ) ip103h dec. 2002 - 5 - www.interpionsemi.com voltage and current controller typical application vac=85v~265v pwm control 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 vref op2 op1 4.2v 0.6a mur120 1n5819 10uf 330uf 4.7uh 3.3k 75k(1%) 2.8k(1%) 1.5k 1n4148 1n4148 pc817 68k 0.047uf 470 0.1uf 0.15 10k (1%) 6.8k (1%) 47uf 1nf 250vac ip103h dec. 2002 - 6 - www.interpionsemi.com voltage and current controller electrical diagrams fig.1 : toatal supply current vs. supply voltage fig.2 : reference voltage vs. temperature 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 total supply current vs. supply voltage supply current (ma) supply voltage (v) -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 2.480 2.485 2.490 2.495 2.500 2.505 2.510 reference voltage vs. temperature reference voltage (v) temperature ( o c) ip103h dec. 2002 - 7 - www.interpionsemi.com voltage and current controller fig.3 : minimum cathode current vs. reference voltage fig.4 : cathode current vs. reference voltage 0 100 200 300 400 500 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 minimum cathode current vs. reference voltage reference voltage (v) cathode current (ua) 0 20 40 60 80 100 2.40 2.45 2.50 2.55 2.60 cathode current vs. reference voltage reference voltage (v) cathode current (ma) ip103h dec. 2002 - 8 - www.interpionsemi.com voltage and current controller fig.5 : op amp source current vs. output voltage 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 op amp source current vs. output voltage vcc=15v, vee=0v output voltage (v) source current (ma) fig.6 : op amp sink current vs. output voltage 0 5 10 15 20 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 op amp sink current vs. output voltage output voltage (v) sink current (ma) ip103h dec. 2002 - 9 - www.interpionsemi.com voltage and current controller fig.7 : total supply current vs. temperature -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 vcc=5v total supply current vs. temperature total supply current (ma) temperature ( o c) fig.8 : op amp input offset voltage vs. temperature -25 0 25 50 75 100 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 vcc=5v op amp input offset voltage vs. temperature input offset voltage (mv) temperature ( o c) ip103h dec. 2002 - 10 - www.interpionsemi.com voltage and current controller package dimension ip103h dec. 2002 - 11 - www.interpionsemi.com voltage and current controller package dimension |
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