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LCD Segment (Column) Driver
The MC141563 is a high volt, high MUX passive LCD segment driver. It is a CMOS LCD driver chip which consists of 80-channel segment driving outputs for a high MUX (up to 300 MUX) large dot matrix passive LCD panel. This chip interfaces with 4-bit or 8-bit data bus with bidirectional shift capability. The 28 V high voltage output driving cells can be controlled by low voltage (3.0 Volts) logic input. The MC141563 will provide the best performance in combination with the MC141562 (common driver). * Operating Supply Voltage Range Control Logic, Shift Register (VDD): 2.7V to 5.5V Segment Drivers (VLCD): 10 V to 28 V * Operating Temperature Range: -20 to 70C * 80 LCD Segment Driving Outputs. * Driving Duty Cycle (MUX) : 1/64 to 1/300. * Bi-directional Shift Register Data Bus of 4-bit x 20 or 8-bit x 10 Configuration. * Interchangeable Carry-In / Carry-Out Terminals. * Left / Right Shift Mode Selection * Cascadable. * Maximum Data Clock Frequency = 8.0 MHz * Available in SLIM TAB (Tape Automated Bonding), 103 pins
MC141563T TAB
MC141563T TAB
REV 4 10/96
MC141563 3-320
MC141563 3-321
Figure 2. TAB Package Contact Assignment (Copper View)
MC141563 3-322
MAXIMUM RATINGS*(Voltages Referenced to VSS, TA=25C) Symbol VDD VEE VLCD VDin VAin I TA Tstg DC Supply Voltage (VDD - VEE) Input Voltage All Digital Input VLCD Level Input Current Drain Per Pin Excluding VDD and VSS Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Supply Voltage Parameter Value -0.3 to +6.0 -0.3 to -24.0 VDD to +30 VSS-0.3 to VDD+0.3 VEE-0.3 to VDD+0.3 25 -20 to 70 -65 to +150 Unit V V V V V mA C C This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields; however, it is advised that normal precautions to be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. For proper operation it is recommended that Vin and Vout be constrained to the range VSS < or = (Vin or Vout) < or = VDD. Reliability of operation is enhanced if unused input are connected to an appropriate logic voltage level (e.g., either VSS or VDD). Unused outputs must be left open. This device may be light sensitive. Caution should be taken to avoid exposure of this device to any light source during normal operation. This device is not radiation protected.
* Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur. Functional operation should be restricted to the limits in the Electrical Characteristics tables or Pin Description section. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Voltage Referenced to VSS, TA = 25C) Symbol VDD VLCD IDP ISB IDP ISB IEE VOL VOH VOH VOL VIH VIL Parameter Operating Voltage Supply Voltage (reference to VSS) LCD Supply Voltage ( VDD - VEE) Supply Current (VDD Pin) Display Mode Standby Mode Supply Current (VDD Pin) Display Mode Standby Mode Supply Current at VEE Segment Output Voltage VL4,6=VEE VL1,3=VDD SEG1-SEG80 Output High Voltage Output Low Voltage EIO1, EIO2 Input High Voltage Input Low Voltage SCLK, LP, L/R, EIO1, EIO2, D0 to D3, M, DIS-OFF Input Current SCLK, LP, L/R, EIO1, EIO2, D0 to D3, M, DIS-OFF Cin Capacitance SCLK, LP, L/R, EIO1, EIO2, D0 to D3, M, DIS-OFF IOHX, IOLX IOHC, IOLC RON Segment Output Current SEG1-SEG80 Carry Output Current EIO1, EIO2 Segment Output Impedance Segment Output Impedance Variance VDD - VEE =28V, IOHX, IOLX=100A VOH= VDD - 1.0V, VOL=VSS +1.0V VOH= VDD - 0.3V, VOL=VEE +0.3V VDD=5.0V, Iload=1mA VDD=5.5V, VEE=-23V SCLK = 6MHz, LP=15KHz, M=35Hz VDD=2.7V, VEE=-23V SCLK = 6MHz, LP=15KHz, M=35Hz No Load Iload = 100A Test Condition
Min 2.7 10.0 VDD-0.3 VDD-1.0 0.7xVDD VSS
Typ 250 1.5 120 600 30 -
Max 5.5 28.0 600 5.5 550 VEE+0.3 VSS+1.0 VDD 0.2xVDD
Unit V V
A A A nA A V V V V V V
100 1.0 -
1.5 10
3.0 30
A mA K Ohm %
MC141563 3-323
AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS -WRITE CYCLE (VDD =5.0V, VSS = 0V, VEE = -23V, TA = 25C) Symbol tSUD thD tSULP thLP tSUS tSUE tM tPO tPM tPLP tPE tTLH tTHL tSCO tSCH tSCL tLPH Parameter Data (D0-D3) to Shift Clock (SCLK) Set up Time Data (D0-D3) to Shift Clock (SCLK) Hold Time Data Latch (LP) to Shift Clock (SCLK) Set up Time Data Latch (LP) to Shift Clock (SCLK) Hold Time Enable Input (EIO) to Shift Clock (SCLK) Set up Time Shift Clock (SCLK) to Enable Output (EIO) Set up Time Propagation Delay Time Data Latch (LP) to M Data Latch (LP) to Segment Output (n) CL = 100pF M to Segment Output (n) CL = 100pF Data Latch (LP) to EIO (Output ) CL = 50pF Shift Clock (SCLK) to EIO (Output ) CL = 50pF Control Input Rise and Fall Time SCLK, LP, M, EIO1,EIO2 Shift Clock (SCLK) Cycle VDD = 3.0V Shift Clock (SCLK) Pulse Width HIGH Shift Clock (SCLK) Pulse Width LOW Data Latch (LP) Pulse Width HIGH 40 40 50 ns ns ns 125 10 10 20 20 ns ns ns 50 ns 50 ns 0.5 s Min 50 50 50 50 20 20 Typ Max 200 0.5 Unit ns ns ns ns ns ns ns s
Figure 3. SCLK, LP, Data, M and Segment Output Propagation Delay Timing Diagram
MC141563 3-324
Figure 4. SCLK, LP, EIO (Input/Output) Propagation Delay Timing Diagram
Figure 5. Control Pin Rise and Fall Timing Diagram
Figure 6. Shift Clock Pulse Width High and Pulse Width Low Timing Diagram
Figure 7. Data Latch Pulse Width High Timing Diagram
MC141563 3-325
VDD AND VSS The main dc power is supplied to the part by these two connections. VDD is the most-positive supply level and VSS is ground. VEE This supply connection provides the negative power supply voltage for the common drivers. VL1, VL3, VL4, VL6 These input pins are connected to the external voltage divider (See Figure 8). Voltage supply level for the LCD : VL1, VL6 : On-level of the LC VL3, VL4 : Off-level of the LC Data Latch (LP) Display data (a complete line on display) is acknowledged by the falling edge of the LP signal. Data Shift Clock (SCLK) Input data (8 bit or 4 bit) is stored into a 8 bit / 4 bit data latch by the falling edge of SCLK. Data Input (D0 to D7) Data Input is either in 8 bit or 4 bit data bus format and is selectable by the DS input. Data Format Select (DS) This input is to select the data bus format. If set "Low", the data bus format is 4-bit, if set "High", the data bus format is 8-bit. Left / Right Shift Select (L / R) This input pin provides the selection of the shift register operation (See Table 1). L / R = "1", the data will shift left (LSB of the first input data will be loaded to SEG1). L / R = "0", the data will shift right (LSB of the first input data will be loaded to SEG80). Carry-In / Carry-Out (EIO1 / EIO2) These two input / output pins perform the same function and depend on the shift register direction of operation. In right shift mode (L / R = "0"), the EIO1 is the Carry-In input while the EIO2 will be the Carry-Out output for cascading. In Left Mode (L / R = "1"), the pin functions and operation are reversed. (See Table 2)
Frame Signal Input (M) This input signal is the frame sync. signal which provides an frame alternating output format of the segment output (See Figure 9). M Data Output 0 1 VL1 0 0 VL3 1 0 VL4 1 1 VL6
Display-Off Enable (DIS-OFF) This input pin is active low. If set "LOW", all output pins (Segment 1 to Segment 80) are forced to VL1. Segment Output (Segment 1 to Segment 80) These 80 output lines provide the high volt segment signal to the LCD panel. They are all at VL1 while display is turned off.
Figure 8. External Voltage Divider
MC141563 3-326
Table 1. Left / Right Shift Select and the Associated Data Bit Segment Output Mapping (a) 4 bit interface; (b) 8 bit interface
Figure 9. Data, M Inputs and Segment Output Format
Table 2. Left / Right Shift Control and EIO1, EIO2 Relation
MC141563 3-327
Figure 10. EIO1 and EIO2 in 4 Data Bit Application and Timing Diagram
MC141563 3-328
Figure 11. Common and Segment and Input Control Format Timing Diagram
MC141563 3-329
Reference : 98ASL00131A
Issue "0" released on 03/03/94
MC141563 3-330
Reference : 98ASL00131A
Issue "0" released on 03/03/94
MC141563 3-331
Millimeters Dim A B C D E F G H J K L M N P R S T U V W X Y Z AA AB Min 34.775 28.927 4.720 1.951 1.951 8.100 11.100 7.201 10.195 1.000 17.635 3.490 1.962 0.900 1.150 1.950 2.562 3.146 3.462 4.938 0.450 0.686 Max 35.175 29.027 4.780 2.011 2.011 8.200 11.200 7.229 10.235 2.000 18.235 4.090 12.460 3.624 2.062 1.900 1.250 2.050 2.662 3.246 3.562 5.038 0.550 0.200 0.838 Min 1.3691 1.1389 0.1858 0.0768 0.0768 0.3189 0.4370 0.2835 0.4014 0.0394 0.6943 0.1374 0.0772 0.0354 0.0453 0.0768 0.1009 0.1239 0.1363 0.1944 0.0177 0.0270
Inches Max 1.3848 1.1428 0.1882 0.0792 0.0792 0.3228 0.4409 0.2846 0.4030 0.0787 0.7179 0.1610 0.4906 0.1427 0.0812 0.0748 0.0492 0.0807 0.1048 0.1278 0.1402 0.1983 0.0217 0.0079 0.0330 Dim AC AD AE AF AG AH AJ AK AL AM AN AP AR AS AT
Millimeters Min 0.068 0.579 0.330 0.690 6.825 9.825 7.675 10.675 10.500 0.580 0.340 0.085 0.200 0.280 0.280 Max 0.083 0.629 0.370 0.710 6.925 9.925 7.775 10.775 11.500 0.620 0.380 0.125 0.220 0.380 0.380 Min 0.0027 0.0228 0.0130 0.0272 0.2687 0.3868 0.3022 0.4203 0.4134 0.0228 0.0134 0.0033 0.0079 0.0110 0.0110
Inches Max 0.0032 0.0248 0.0146 0.0280 0.2726 0.3907 0.3061 0.4242 0.4528 0.0244 0.0150 0.0049 0.0087 0.0150 0.0150
NOTES: 1. Dimensioning and tolerancing per ANSI Y14.5M, 1982. 2. Controlling dimension: millimeter. 3. Copper Thickness: 1/2 oz. 4. Tin plating thickness: 0.4m 5. 2 sprocket hole device
Reference : 98ASL00131A
Issue "0" released on 03/03/94
MC141563 3-332
Reference : 98ASL00131A
Issue "0" released on 03/03/94
MC141563 3-333
Application Example 320 x 300
MC141563 3-334

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