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OMC507 FULL-FEATURED CIRCUIT BOARD ASSEMBLY FOR DIRECT DRIVE OF 3-PHASE BRUSHLESS DC MOTO R S 5 Amp. Push-Pull 3-Phase Brushless DC Motor Controller/Driver Circuit Board FEATURES * * * * * * Fully integrated 3-Phase Brushless DC Motor Control System 5A Average Phase Current (10A peak) with 30V Maximum Bus Voltage Onboard Current Sense Resistor Direction and Torque Control Tachometer Output Fits Inside Motor Housing APPLICATIONS * Fans and Pumps * Hoists * Actuator Systems DESCRIPTION The OMC507 is a three phase brushless DC Motor Controller Driver. The OMC507 is a 2 quadrant controller and provides control of motor current (torque) in proportion to the input current command. The versatility of the OMC507 allows the user to either provide an analog or a TTL PWM current command signal externally, or to set an analog current command onboard. The OMC507 also allows the user to adjust the current command offset onboard through the use of a potentiometer. Loop compensation is provided onboard and loop compensation component values can be modified to meet specific customer requirements, thereby optimizing the controller for each application. The OMC507 controller utilizes surface mount and through hole technology. The OMC507 is a mere 2 1/2 inches in diameter and can fit inside the motor housing. A connector for the control section is optional; consult the factory. 9 04 R0 205 Crawford Street, Leominster, MA 01453 USA (978) 534-5776 FAX (978) 537-4246 Visit Our Web Site at www.omnirel.com OMC507 SIMPLIFIED BLOCK DIAGRAM Vcc (1) Voltage Regulator Vcc +5V Bus Ground (2) VREF R/C Vcc C_Bus 10uF V_Motor 19 Monitor (14) 11 Bus VCC Command (5) Command Set/Adjust Offset Adjust 25 15 1 RC_OSC GND E/A_IN(+) PWR_VCC Level Shift PUA 18 Phase_A 14 +5V_Hall (6) VREF 27 26 PDA E/A_OUT PWM_IN E/A_IN(-) VREF H1 H2 H3 DIR RC_BRAKE PUC QUAD_SEL OV_COAST PDC SSTART ISENSE ISENSE_1 ISENSE_2 SPEED_IN U1 UC3625 TACH_OUT PDB PUB Bus Compensation Network VREF Hall_A (8) Hall_B (9) Hall_C (10) Direction (11) 28 2 8 9 10 6 Level Shift 17 Phase_B 13 Bus R/C 21 22 Level Shift 16 Phase_C 12 Enable (12) Enable Circuit 23 24 3 4 5 R_Sense Tach_Out (13) Tach_Out 7 20 Tach_Out Filter C O M M U TATION TRUTH TA B L E This table shows the Phase Output state versus the state of the Hall-Effect and Direction Inputs. Please note that the Hall-Effect Inputs are Grey-encoded; that is, only one input is allowed to change from one input state to another at a tm. ie The commutation coding shown reflects HallEffect sensors that are spaced at 120 mechanical increments. Also, internal protection logic disables all three Phase Outputs when the Hall-Effect Inputs are set to a ilgl cniin (.. al lgc lw o al lgc n lea odto ie l oi o r l oi hg) ih. DIGITAL INPUTS Dr i 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 X X H1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 H2 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 H3 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 PHASE OUTPUTS A Hi-Z Sink Sink Hi-Z Source Source Sink Sink Hi-Z Source Source Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z B Sink Hi-Z Source Source Hi-Z Sink Source Hi-Z Sink Sink Hi-Z Source Hi-Z Hi-Z C Source Source Hi-Z Sink Sink Hi-Z Hi-Z Source Source Hi-Z Sink Sink Hi-Z Hi-Z 21 - 2 . OMC507 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Motor Supply Voltage, Vm ................................................... 30 Vdc Peak Motor Supply Voltage Vm pK............................................. 50 Vdc Average Phase Output Current, Io @ TA = +25 C........................ 5 Amperes DC I @ TA = +85 C ....................... 3 Amperes DC o Peak Phase Output Current, Io pk @ TA = +25 C...................... 10 Amperes Peak* Control Supply Voltage, Vcc ................................................... +18 V Logic Input Vo t g (Note 1) ............................................ -0.3 V to +6 V lae Reference Source Current ................................................ -30 mAdc Command Input Voltage Range, ....................................... -0.3 V to +6 V Current Sense Amplifier Input Voltage (ISH/ISL) ....................... -0.3 V to +6 Vdc Tachometer Output Current................................................ 10 mAdc Operating Ambient Temperature ....................................... 0 C to +85 C Operating Junction Temperature ...................................... 0 C to +120 C Storage Temperature Range ........................................ -20 C to +120 C A................... 62.5C/W Power Switch Junction-to-Ambient Thermal Resistance, Rqj *Maximum pulse width = 10 Sec R E C O M M E N D E D O P E R ATING CONDITIONS ( A = 25 C) T Motor Power Supply Voltage, Vm ........................................... + 2 8 Vdc Average Phase Output Current, IO (Note 2) ......................................... 5 A Control Supply Voltage, Vcc ............................................ 15Vdc 10% Logic Low Input Voltage, Vl ........................................... 0.8 Vdc (max) i Logic High Input Voltage, Vi ........................................... 2.0 Vdc (min) h Note 1: Logic Inputs: Direction, Hall Inputs (Hall_A...Hall_C), and Enable. Note 2: Onboard current sense resistor; 20 m (nominal), 2W. 21 - 3 . ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Note 1) Parameter Power Output Section Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current Symbol Idss Conditions (Note 1) (N-CH) Vds = 60Vdc Vgs = 0V (P-CH) Vds = -60Vdc Vgs = 0V (N-CH) Id =30 A Vgs = 10V (Note 2) (P-CH) Id =-30 A Vgs = -10V (Note 2) Vgs = + 20 Vdc Vds = 0V (N-CH)IF = 30 A (Note 2) Vgs = 0V (P-CH) IF = -30 A Vgs = 0V (N-CH)IF =75 A, di/dt = 100A/usec, Vgs = 0V (P-CH) IF = -65 A di/dt = 100A/usec, Vgs = 0V MIN. TYP. MAX. 1 1 0.008 0.020 + 100 09 . -. 10 120 Units A A Ohms Ohms nA V V nSec OMC507 Drain-to-Source On-Resistance Rds(on) Gate Body Leakage Current Diode Forward Voltage Igss VS D Diode Reverse Recovery Time t r r 120 nSec Control Section Control Supply Current Control Turn-On Threshold Ic c Vcc(+) Tc over operating range Tc over operating range 100 9.45 mA V Reference Section Output Voltage Output Current Current-Sense Amplifier Section Peak Current Threshold Voltage Over Current Threshold Voltage Amplifier Voltage Gain Amplifier Level Shift Logic Input Section H1, H2, H3 Low Voltage Threshold H1, H2, H3 High Voltage Threshold H1, H2, H3 Input Current Vl i Vh i In i Tc over operating range Tc over operating range Tc over operating range, V(pin 8, 9 or 10) = 0Vdc Tc over operating range 08 . 16 . -400 10 . 19 . -250 12 . 20 . -120 V V uA Vpk Voc Av V(pin 12) = 0V, V(pin 13) Varied to Threshold V(pin 12) = 0V, V(pin 13) Varied to Threshold V(pin 12) = 0.3V, V(pin 13) = 0.5V to 0.7V V(pin 12) = V(pin13) = 0.3V 0.14 0.26 1.75 24 . 0.20 0.30 1.95 25 . 0.26 0.36 2.15 2.65 V V V/V V Ve rf I o 49 . 50 . 51 . 30 V mA Direction Threshold Voltage Direction Voltage Hysteresis Drcin IptCret ieto nu urn Enable Input Section Vth Vh I i n 08 . -0 3 14 . 06 . 1 20 . 30 V V uA Enable Threshold Voltage Enable Input Current Vth In i 20 . 100 V uA 21 - 4 . OMC507 Parameter Command Input Section Command Input Voltage Range Tachometer/Brake Section Tachometer Output High Level Tachometer Output Low Level Tachometer On-Time Tachometer On-Time Variation Oscillator Section Oscillator Frequency Symbol VC M Conditions (Note 1) MIN. 0 TYP. MAX. 5 Units V Voh Vl o tn o - Tc over operating range Tc over operating range 47 . 50 . 53 . 02 . V V us % 85 Tc over operating range 100 01 . 140 f o 10.5 kHz SPECIFICATION NOTES: 1 All parameters specified for Ta = 25 C, Vcc = 15Vdc, and all Phase Outputs unloaded (Ta ~ Tj). All negative currents shown are sourced by (flow from) the pin under . ts. et 2 Pulse Test: Pulse width < 300 sec, duty cycle < 2%. . PINOUT PIN# J1-1 J1-2 J1-3 J1-4 J1-5 J1-6 J1-7 J1-8 J1-9 J1-10 J1-11 J1-12 J1-13 J1-14 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 NAME VCC Ground N/C N/C Command +5V_Hall Hall_Rtn Hall_A Hall_B Hall_C Direction Enable Tach_Out Offset_Mon V_Motor Motor_Rtn Phase_A Phase_B Phase_C 21 - 5 . OMC507 PIN DESCRIPTIONS / FUNCTIONALITY VCC (Pin 1) -- The Vcc Supply input provides bias voltage to all of the internal control electronics within the OMC507, and should be connected to a nominal +15Vdc power source. GROUND (Pin 2) -- The voltages that control the OMC507 are referenced with respect to this pin. COMMAND (Pin 5) - T i i p t i t e c r e t - hs nu s h urn command input to the OMC507. For other command configurations, consult the factory for proper termination of this pin. +5V_Hall (Pin 6) -- This output provides a temperature-compensated,regulated +5V reference to power the external Hall-effect motor position sensors. By design, the +5V reference must be in regulation before the remainder of the control circuitry is activated. This feature allows the Halleffect sensors to become powered and enabled before any Phase Output is enabled in the OMC507, preventing damage at turn-on. HALL_RTN (Pin 7) -- This pin is connected to Ground onboard and is used as the +5V Hall return. HALL_EFFECT INPUTS (Hall_A, Pin 8; Hall_B, Pin 9; Hall_C, Pin 10) -- Each input has an internal pull-up resistor to the +5V reference. Each input also has an internal 2200pF noise filter capacitor to Ground. Motors with 60 degree position sensing may be used if one or two of the Hall-Effect sensor signals is inverted prior to connection to the HallEffect Inputs. DIRECTION INPUT (Pin 11) - This input is used to select the motor direction. This input has an internal protection feature: the logic-level present on the Drcin Ipt i frt lae it a drcin lth ieto nu s is odd no ieto ac, then shifted through a two-bit shift register before interfacing with the internal output phase driver logic decoder. Also, protection circuitry detects when the input and the output of the direction latch or the 2-bit shift register are different, and inhibits the Phase Outputs (i.e. Hi-Z) during those times. This feature may be used to allow the motor to coast to a safe speed before a direction reversal takes place. Power stage cross-conduction (current "shootthrough" from Vmotor to Ground through simultaneously enabled pull-up and pull-down dies i peetd b te sit rgse a i i rvr) s rvne y h hf eitr s t s clocked by the PWM oscillator, so that a fixed delay of between one and two PWM oscillator clock cycles occurs. This delay or "dead-time" guarantees that power-stage cross-conduction will not occur. ENABLE INPUT (Pin 12) -- This input is the enable/disable input to the OMC507. TACHOMETER OUTPUT (Pin 13) -- This output provides a fixed width 5V pulse when any Hall-Effect Input (1, 2 or 3) changes state. The pulse width of the Tachometer Output is set to 150ms (nominal). The average value of the output voltage on pin 13 is directly proportional to the motor's speed. OFFSET MONITOR (Pin 14) -- This pin is used to monitor the offset adjust voltage, set at RP1, to accommodate the current sense amplifier offset, approximately 2.5 volts. V M O T O R ( 1 - This terminal is connected to the most T) positive terminal of the motor supply (Vm+). MOTOR RETURN (T2) - This terminal is connected to the most negative terminal of the motor supply (Vm-). PHASE OUTPUTS (Phase, A T3; Phase B, T4; Phase C, T5) -- These outputs are connected to either Vmotor via the pull-up driver or Sense via the pull-down driver, depending upon the Hall-Effect and Direction Inputs (see Commutation Truth Table). The terminals associated with each Phase Output must be connected to one of the three phases of the motor driven by the OMC507. 21 - 6 . OMC507 APPLICATION NOTE Setup The OMC507 is a current mode controller providing control of motor current (torque) in proportion to a current command; Figure 1 is representative of the OMC507 configured as a current mode controller. The OMC507 Motor Controller offers the user versatility in both system performance and interface. For example, the typical configuration of the OMC507 requires the user to provide an analog current command signal (voltage) proportional to the motor current-- a 1 volt command is proportional to 1.2 amperes of motor current; the OMC507 can also be configured such that the user provides a TTL PWM input command or the analog current command signal is set onboard. Consult the factory for details. Also, the typical configuration of the OMC507 requires the user to interface to the control and power sections of the controller via wire solder terminations-- the control section will accommodate #22 AWG wire and the power section will accommodate #18 AWG wire; the OMC507 can also be configured to provide the user with a connector solution for the control section. Consult the factory for details. Operation The typical configuration of the OMC507 incorporates a 0.020 ohm resistor to sense the motor current-- Vsense = Imotor x Rsense. The sense voltage-- current sense signal--is filtered and fed into the current sense amplifier where the absolute value of the signal is multiplied by two and biased up by approximately 2.5 volts (Note: Adjust the offset adjust potentiometer (RP1) onboard to accommodate the current sense amplifier offset; the Command input (location J1-5) must be grounded. Monitor the offset adjust voltage at location J1-14). Besides the implementation of the cycle-by-cycle peak current limit/overcurrent limit protection feature of the OMC507, the output of the current sense amplifier is fed into the error amplifier which is configured as a differential amplifier. An error signal representing the difference between the current command input and the value of the amplified current sense signal is produced; the error signal is then compared to a pulse width modulated (PWM) ramp. And since torque is nearly proportional to the average phase output current, the torque is controlled via duty cycle control. 21 - 7 . MECHANICAL OUTLINE OMC507 + 28V + 15V OMC507 J1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 T1 T2 Command T3 T4 T5 Phase_A Phase_B Phase_C Direction Motor Enable +5V_Hall Hall_A Hall_C Hall_B Hall_Rtn Figure 1: Current Mode Controller 14 13 2 1 J1 R25 RP1 FID3 R35 R43 R46 R45 R42 R38 C20 R37 R44 C9 R47 C3 C7 C8 R25 R27 C17 U1 R12 C4 R7 R40 R39 C10 C15 C14 C13 Q13 C19 U2 GND TIE C5 R19 Figure 2: Mechanical Outline 21 - 8 . RP2 C16 C1 FID2 C12 T5 T4 T3 T2 T1 |
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