Description |
Maker |
FSJ260R4 FSJ260D FSJ260D1 FSJ260D3 FSJ260R FSJ260R |
33A/ 250V/ 0.080 Ohm/ Rad Hard/ SEGR Resistant/ N-Channel Power MOSFETs 44A, 200V, 0.050 Ohm, Rad Hard, SEGR Resistant, N-Channel Power MOSFETs
INTERSIL[Intersil Corporation]
FRK264D FRK264H FRK264R FN3233 |
34A, 250V, 0.120 Ohm, Rad Hard, N-Channel Power MOSFETs From old datasheet system 34A/ 250V/ 0.120 Ohm/ Rad Hard/ N-Channel Power MOSFETs
INTERSIL[Intersil Corporation]
JANSR2N7278 |
4A, 250V, 0.700 Ohm, Rad Hard, N-Channel Power MOSFET 4A/ 250V/ 0.700 Ohm/ Rad Hard/ N-Channel Power MOSFET
INTERSIL[Intersil Corporation]
JANSR2N7397 |
4A/ 250V/ 0.610 Ohm/ Rad Hard/ N-Channel Power MOSFET 4A, 250V, 0.610 Ohm, Rad Hard, N-Channel Power MOSFET
Intersil Corporation
FRF254R FRF254D FRF254H |
17A/ 250V/ 0.185 Ohm/ Rad Hard/ N-Channel Power MOSFETs 17A, 250V, 0.185 Ohm, Rad Hard, N-Channel Power MOSFETs
INTERSIL[Intersil Corporation]
FSS430R4 FSS430D FSS430D1 FSS430D3 FSS430R FSS430R |
3A, 500V, 2.70 Ohm, Rad Hard, SEGR Resistant, N-Channel Power MOSFETs 3 A, 500 V, 2.7 ohm, N-CHANNEL, Si, POWER, MOSFET, TO-257AA 3A, 500V, 2.70 Ohm, Rad Hard, SEGR Resistant, N-Channel Power MOSFETs 3A00V.70欧姆,拉德硬,SEGR耐,N沟道功率MOSFET 3A/ 500V/ 2.70 Ohm/ Rad Hard/ SEGR Resistant/ N-Channel Power MOSFETs
Intersil, Corp. INTERSIL[Intersil Corporation] http://
FRE9160R FRE9160D FN3268 FRE9160H RE9160H |
30 A, 100 V, 0.095 ohm, P-CHANNEL, Si, POWER, MOSFET, TO-258AA From old datasheet system 30A, -100V, 0.095 Ohm, Rad Hard, P-Channel Power MOSFETs 30A/ -100V/ 0.095 Ohm/ Rad Hard/ P-Channel Power MOSFETs
INTERSIL[Intersil Corporation]
BWR-12/335-D5A BWR-5/700-D5A BWR-5/700-D48A BWR-15 |
12V 7-10W, dual output DC/DC converter DC-DC Converter, (4.7 to 7.25) V to (-12|12) V Rad-hard 4 to 16 line decoder/latch Rad-hard 3 to 8 line decoder latch Rad-hard octal bus buffer with 3 state outputs (non inverted) 型DC - DC电压转换 Rad-hard 8-input NAND gate 型DC - DC电压转换 Rad-hard octal bus buffer with 3 state outputs (inverted) 型DC - DC电压转换
Datel, Inc. Air Cost Control RECOM Electronic GmbH Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc.
FRM240R FRM240D FRM240H |
16 A, 200 V, 0.24 ohm, N-CHANNEL, Si, POWER, MOSFET, TO-204AA 16A, 200V, 0.24 Ohm, Rad Hard, N-Channel Power MOSFETs 16A/ 200V/ 0.24 Ohm/ Rad Hard/ N-Channel Power MOSFETs
INTERSIL[Intersil Corporation]
JANSR2N7400 FN4373 |
From old datasheet system 8A, 200V, 0.440 Ohm, Rad Hard, N-Channel Power MOSFET 8A/ 200V/ 0.440 Ohm/ Rad Hard/ N-Channel Power MOSFET
INTERSIL[Intersil Corporation]
FRS230D FRS230H FRS230R FN3224 |
7A, 200V, 0.515 OHM, RAD HARD, N-CHANNEL POWER MOSFETS 7A/ 200V/ 0.515 Ohm/ Rad Hard/ N-Channel Power MOSFETs From old datasheet system
Intersil Corporation